No really, I'm Excellent now. Excellent agility, that is. As of today, I'm in the big leagues.
There's 3 levels of AKC agility competition: Novice, Open and Excellent. I flew through Novice. Open took a little longer, what with us moving and all. But mom and I did it, and now I'm in the highest level class in AKC, in both Jumpers with Weaves and Standard. Mom's never had a dog in Excellent Standard before (she has in Jumpers), so she's really proud of both of us.
I'm still having issues - table, weave poles, start line stays and dropping the triple. But in Excellent you can't even have one mistake. Mom figures it will make us get our act together, and make us a better team.
Today, in my first time in Excellent Standard I really rocked it. My instructor high-fived mom as we left the ring. I got confused on the table (remember, I have issues. I usually hit the table, hop off, then hop back on. We're working on it though). So today mom said "table, SIT". Well, I only heard "sit" and sat next to the table. Oops. But mom was OK with that, since it was mostly her fault, and the rest of the run was smoking!!!
We even got to meet another agility pug this weekend. The lady that ran the pug also had a rescue boy that was a lot like Arnie was when he first came to live with mom (in other words, OBNOXIOUS). So they talked a lot about how to get her pug under control. Then Arnie proved the point by running a great Excellent Jumpers run (tipped a bar when mom moved away too fast).
We don't show for another month, so there's be plenty of time to work on my issues.
No photographer again this weekend. What's up with THAT?