Saturday, August 24, 2013

Mom's new blog - Food Truck Parks USA

Mom loves to eat at food trucks, so she decided to start a blog to help folks find and talk about food truck parks.

Check it out here.

You'll see me checking out our local food truck park - Clearfork Food Park


  1. We don't have them here in London. Sounds like a fun place for a chow. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. we had a for TV food truck competition in our town not to long ago. Mom and Dad were in Costco shopping and one of the contestants was there getting supplies with camera people following them all around!
    Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  3. Baily, Hazel and Greta - you must live in Pocatello - that's there they're heading next on the Great Food Truck Race.
